Food Relief


Mama Tulia provides monthly food packages to mothers with premature babies. While food is a necessity, it is oftentimes a struggle for our mothers to afford. A food package makes it possible for the mother and her family to have food to eat each day. By providing nutrient rich food we help mothers with their breast milk production which is necessary for their premature baby to grow healthy and strong. We provide food packages until the mom is in a stable financial position and able to provide food on her own.

One way we offer food relief is through partnering with Parkway Baptist church in our Manna Program. The Manna Program comes from the story in the Bible where God provides food from heaven to the Israelites. This program illustrates how God is our provider and how we are to be good stewards of what we have been freely given.

The program consists of giving our mothers monthly food packages. These food packages contain posho, rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, fish, and other essentials like soap. These mothers are then educated on the importance of saving. Each month they steward their blessing by saving the money they would have spent on buying the food themselves. This is a new and important concept for our mothers since most tend to live day by day. We encourage our mothers to save a minimum of 2,000 ugx a day. In a wooden lock box, these mothers save for the future. While the program helps to educate and encourage our mothers, we have put an emphasis on empowering them. We have sat with each participant of the program and dreamed up desires for their savings. Desires such as starting a shoe or charcoal selling business, buying a sewing machine, or purchasing products to start a salon. After the completion of the program, we pray that those dreams will become a reality. A reality that allows the mother to make a steady income and to be able to provide some on her own. This program gives direct assistance to our mothers for the short and long term.